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Internet of Things (IoT), what it is, and how it is applied

In recent years, we often come across the abbreviation IoT, which stands for Internet of Things, especially associated with new technologies, electronic products, and processes related to ecological transition and digitalization.

But what exactly is the Internet of Things, and what are the main Benefits of the Internet of Things? Keep reading this article to explore this in detail.

Definition of IoT

The Internet of Things designates the connection of everyday physical objects to the internet: from light bulbs to medical devices, from mobile phones and laptops to smart TVs, from smart appliances to street lighting, and from gym accessories to cars; the IoT is able to reach any device that has the ability to receive and exchange data over a wireless network.

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Why is IoT so important?

Considered by many to be the most important technology of the 21st century, the Internet of Things plays a crucial role in planning every human activity in today's world.

From the moment in which the devices of daily use have access to the network, the capacity of the connection, exchange of information, and updates in real-time multiply dramatically, making the relationship between people, processes, and objects fluid.

The cooperation between the digital world and the physical world, thanks to the costs of these operations, mostly contained, to Big Data, clouds, and wireless technologies, to the sharing and collection of data, is gradually automated in a world in hyper-connectivity decrees the rise of digital systems capable of recording, monitoring and intervening where a certain problem arises. Explore online if you want to know the difference between Azure Nsg Vs Asg.

A practical example

Take, for example, an intelligent thermostat, which receives geolocation data sent from our mobile phone or from our car when we approach home: the appliance turns on the radiators and adjusts the temperature in order to avoid waste and, at the same time, ensure perfect comfort once arrived home. And all this is possible without even having to remotely access the app or heating settings.

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The advantages of IoT applications

The ability of the Internet of Things to receive, categorize and analyze information from sensors and connection networks opens up an almost infinite world of possible practical applications, from everyday life to the industrial field, from economics to resource management, energy, from the implications in the health sector to those in the social and community.

Here are some of the main fields of application of the IoT:

  • Production optimization
  • Machine surveillance and product control
  • Monitoring of health conditions
  • The efficiency of existing processes
  • Organization of logistics
  • Use of electronic devices remotely and remotely
  • Road accident prevention
  • Timeliness of intervention
  • Coordination and management of smart cities

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